
They'd rather die: The lesson that male roundworms refuse to learn

In human society, men tend to be seen as risk-takers, while women are seen as being more cautious. According to evolutionary psychologists, this difference developed in the wake of threats to each sex and their respective ...


Japanese plant yields compounds that exhibit strong anti-HIV activity

Researchers have discovered that Daphne pseudomezereum (commonly known as Onishibari) contains a substance inhibiting replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The plants were cultivated at the Medicinal Plant Garden ...

Why don't we remember being a baby? New study provides clues

Though we learn so much during our first years of life, we can't, as adults, remember specific events from that time. Researchers have long believed we don't hold onto these experiences because the part of the brain responsible ...

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Oxygen discovered in most distant known galaxy

Two different teams of astronomers have detected oxygen in the most distant known galaxy, JADES-GS-z14-0. The discovery, reported in two separate studies, was made possible thanks to the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter ...

FAST detects new ultra-faint dwarf galaxy

Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), Chinese astronomers have detected a new ultra-faint dwarf galaxy, which turned out to be gas-rich. The finding was reported in a research paper published ...

Probiotic boosters shorten fever duration in pediatric trial

A clinical trial led by researchers at the Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico and the University of Milan found a probiotic mixture that significantly shortened fever duration in children with upper respiratory tract ...

DESI releases largest 3D map of the universe to date

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is mapping millions of celestial objects to better understand dark energy—the mysterious driver of our universe's accelerating expansion. Today, the DESI collaboration released ...

From dinosaurs to birds: The origins of feather formation

Feathers are among the most complex cutaneous appendages in the animal kingdom. While their evolutionary origin has been widely debated, paleontological discoveries and developmental biology studies suggest that feathers ...

Restored stream sees return of wild salmon population

Almost everywhere in California, salmon are on the decline. But in Putah Creek—a restored stream running through the University of California, Davis, campus—wild salmon are not only increasing, they are also completing ...

Spain reverses ban on hunting wolves in north

Spanish lawmakers on Thursday voted to end a ban on hunting wolves in the north of the country, three years after its introduction by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's minority leftist government.

New DESI results strengthen hints that dark energy may evolve

The fate of the universe hinges on the balance between matter and dark energy: the fundamental ingredient that drives its accelerating expansion. New results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration ...

Which tree species fix the most carbon?

Forests provide many ecosystem services, including microclimate regulation, biodiversity preservation, air and water purification, and soil protection. Together with the oceans, they are one of the two most important carbon ...