October 23, 2009 weblog
New robot skier takes to the slopes (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new robot skier has been invented that can be fitted with off-the-shelf skis. This is not the first skiing robot, since Japanese scientists have produced their own (see PhysOrg.com article here), but is bigger and heavier, being around the same size as an eight-year-old child.
The robot was invented by a Slovenian scientist, Bojan Nemec from the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Resembling a laptop on robotic legs fitted with ordinary skis, the robot can, with a little practice, ski down slopes slalom style and navigate a route between a series of race gates. The robot is stabilized by gyros and force sensors.
More information:
• Ski Robot Could Decipher the Art of Skiing
• Bojan Nemec page
via IEEE Spectrum
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