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Listening to quantum atoms talk together thanks to acoustics

What happens when a quantum physicist is frustrated by the limitations of quantum mechanics when trying to study densely packed atoms? At EPFL, you get a metamaterial, an engineered material that exhibits exotic properties.

Engineers redefine how heat transfers on advanced surfaces

When University of Texas at Dallas researchers tested a new surface that they designed to collect and remove condensates rapidly, the results surprised them. The mechanical engineers' design collected more condensates, or ...

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Researchers capture first laser-driven, high-resolution CT scans of dense objects 
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An experimental test of the nonlocal energy alteration between two quantum memories
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Scientists measure the spin-parity of charm baryons for the first time
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Wireless terahertz cryogenic interconnect minimizes heat-to-information transfer in quantum processors
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Compact solid-state laser system generates 193-nm vortex beam for the first time
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Cutting-edge experiments reveal 'hidden' details in transforming material with implications for faster microelectronics
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Photon-shuttling interconnection device enables direct communication among multiple quantum processors
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A possible way to generate electricity using Earth's rotational energy
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New DESI results strengthen hints that dark energy may evolve
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Mediterranean neutrino observatory sets new limits on quantum gravity
Optics & Photonics
Quantum sensing achieves unprecedented precision in light displacement detection
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Muonic atoms unlock new possibilities in nuclear physics
A simple way to control superconductivity: Twisting atomically thin layers fine-tunes properties
Condensed Matter
Machine learning uncovers hidden heat transport mechanisms in organic semiconductors
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Optical tweezers reveal cell dynamics in milliseconds
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Thermomajorization theory provides new framework for quantifying mysterious Mpemba effect
Optics & Photonics
World's first quantum microsatellite demonstrates secure communication with multiple ground stations
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Light reveals unique quantum spin liquid state, promising error-free computing
Condensed Matter
Quantum heat dynamics toggled by magnetic fields in semimetal ZrTe₅
Condensed Matter
Good vibrations: Scientists discover a method for exciting phonon-polaritons

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Earth Sciences
The amount of fresh water available for lithium mining is vastly overestimated, hydrologists warn
Chemical oscillations in palladium nanoparticles could pave way for recycling precious metal catalysts
Protoplanetary disks are much smaller than previously thought, new study finds
Plants & Animals
How elephants plan their journeys: New study reveals energy-saving strategies
Plants & Animals
Tadpoles try to flee dangerous virus in their pond by growing much faster than normal, research shows
How ancient stone kitchens preserve food secrets
Bio & Medicine
DNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles are poised to bring gene therapy to common chronic diseases
Diagnostic technology achieves near 100% accuracy in pathogen identification within three hours
Cell & Microbiology
How necrotic cells contribute to the body's regeneration process
Analytical Chemistry
Nickel(0) and boron—together at last in square-planar complexes
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'Mars and Earth are even more different than we thought': Condensing 20 years of atmospheric wave observations