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Forecasting the future of Southern Ocean ecosystems

Ecosystems in the Southern Ocean, the body of water surrounding Antarctica, are under threat from climate change. The area's inhabitants, from whales to krill to phytoplankton, face changes such as a loss in sea ice and rising ...

New research sheds light on earliest days of Earth's formation

New research led by a York University professor sheds light on the earliest days of Earth's formation and potentially calls into question some earlier assumptions in planetary science about the early years of rocky planets. ...

Report highlights microbial innovations to combat climate change

As climate change continues to accelerate at an alarming pace, innovative and scalable solutions are more critical than ever. This week, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the International Union for Microbiological ...

Were large soda lakes the cradle of life?

Along with nitrogen and carbon, phosphorus is an essential element for life on Earth. It is a central component of molecules such as DNA and RNA, which serve to transmit and store genetic information, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate), ...

More news

Earth Sciences
Updated physical model helps reconstruct sudden, dramatic sea level rise after last ice age
Earth Sciences
Modeling the past and future of Antarctica's Aurora Subglacial Basin water flow
Earth Sciences
Climate warming and heat waves are accelerating global lake deoxygenation, study finds
Earth Sciences
Team discovers 'dark oxygen' on the seafloor
Earth Sciences
Shrinking Andean glaciers threaten water supply of 90 million people, scientists warn
Earth Sciences
Core samples from Greenland's seabed provide first historical overview of plastic pollution
Earth Sciences
Earth's drylands expand, affecting billions as climate warms
Earth Sciences
Hydroacoustic imaging shows human traces on the seabed may be visible for decades
Earth Sciences
Not just trees: Most of the carbon sequestered on land is stored in soil and water, study finds
Earth Sciences
Fully AI-driven weather prediction system delivers accurate forecasts faster with less computing power
Earth Sciences
Peatlands' carbon capture potential increases with rising temperatures
Earth Sciences
NASA uses advanced radar to track groundwater in California
Earth Sciences
Scientists to explore why Everest glacier is so warm
Earth Sciences
First earthquakes detected in Pacific Ocean using ultra-stable optical interferometry on undersea cables
Earth Sciences
Earth's lungs are choking on plastic and smoke—scientists hope to unblock them
Earth Sciences
Scientists in Antarctica: Why they're there and what they've found
Earth Sciences
Q&A: Earth scientist discusses the shrinking waters of the Colorado River
Earth Sciences
Revoking EPA's endangerment finding won't be simple and could have unintended consequences
Earth Sciences
Scientists reveal a hidden, sunlight-driven source of a potent greenhouse gas
Earth Sciences
Sea level rise after the last ice age revealed by new geological data

Other news

Social Sciences
Do narrow‑minded search algorithms cause polarized perceptions?
Quantum Physics
Theoretical physicists completely determine the statistics of quantum entanglement
Reverse genetics system enhances vaccine development for African swine fever virus
A cleaner future for tires: Scientists pioneer chemical process to repurpose rubber waste
Quantum Physics
Quantum randomness and nonlocality: New insights from MIMO systems
Webb telescope sees galaxy in mysteriously clearing fog of early universe
New water microcleaners self-disperse, capture microplastics and float up for removal
The hidden hand of medieval female scribes
Light-based polymerization reaction refines 3D printing, achieving sub-millimeter resolution
Bio & Medicine
RNA interference and nanomedicine join forces to fight dangerous fungal infections
How survivors spanned the globe after Earth's biggest mass extinction
Elusive electronic rotons, detected for first time, reveal formation of Wigner crystallites in 2D electron liquid
Scientists create lab-grown amber-like resin to study fossil preservation
Deep sea mining impacts visible for 'many decades'
Space Exploration
Partial solar eclipse in northern areas on Saturday
Quantum Physics
Quantum computing milestone: 56-qubit computer provides truly random number generation
The interplay of two genes illuminates how the large human brain evolved
Bio & Medicine
Sensor technology uses nature's blueprint and machinery to monitor metabolism in body
Plants & Animals
Cuttlefish 'mesmerize' their prey with a moving skin pattern, study finds
Cell & Microbiology
A breakthrough moment: Researchers discover new class of antibiotics